20 May 2020

ASSDA receives ISSF Stainless Industry Award

The International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF) hosted its Stainless Industry Awards online yesterday, and we are excited and proud to announce that ASSDA received a Silver Award for Best New Development for the Murray Irrigation PIIOP Round 3 Project.

Murray Irrigation's Private Irrigation Infrastructure Operator Program (PIIOP) Round 3 in New South Wales is a modernisation project focused on upgrading larger infrastructure within the main canals of its irrigation assets, including Mulwala and Wakool Canals. For more information, please click here.

This project showcased the successful use of stainless steel in delivering effective infrastructure to achieve water savings and secure a sustainable environment and future for irrigation communities in Australia. While not necessarily a new stainless steel application, this is an excellent example of materials substitution that can be well promoted globally with strong potential for influencing similar infrastructure in other markets.

Congratulations and thank you to all ASSDA Members involved:

This Award puts ASSDA and Australia on the stainless steel world map and is a testament to the capability and innovation of our Members and local industry.

Please see the following link for the full list of winners and projects: https://www.worldstainless.org/news/issf-announces-winners-of-the-stainless-industry-awards-in-a-webinar/.

We encourage all ASSDA Members to keep us up-to-date with your stainless steel projects, for potential publication in Australian Stainless Magazine and future award submissions.